Bloom Industries & Development Strategies, LLC

Bloom Industries & Development Strategies, LLC ("Bloom" or "BIDS") is committed to capitalizing upon market opportunities, whether through organic creation, partnership, or consultation, by the pursuit of profitable ventures across a wide breadth of industries. Bloom is organized under the laws of the State of Tennessee.

Richard I. McDermott Member and Co-Founder


Mr. McDermott believes that one of the most compelling opportunities created by the alliance of the human and experiential capital that makes up Bloom Industries & Development Strategies, LLC (“Bloom” or “BIDS”) is the synergy created by the collective perspectives of its members. These perspectives share a similar purpose, a mutual love of expressing an examined and dynamic articulation of life, which enables cohesion and progression. Life in this sense is an undeniable and abundant energy that is ceaselessly creative and intently pursues the actualization of the seeds that dreams and visions plant with expectancy.

Mr. McDermott's respective breadth and depth of personal perspectives are in part acquired from (1) a deep love and appreciation of family and friends, (2) work experiences and competencies in various fields inclusive of, but not limited to, law, entrepreneurial ventures, healthcare, banking, sports, and financial services, (3) an education from, among other institutions, Wake Forest University and the University of Tennessee College of Law, and (4) a valuable array of life experiences that have reinforced the lessening of the importance of self without diminishing intrinsic self-worth, while magnifying the earnest power and worth of the collective.

He cherishes the ability to utilize varying perspectives as infinite possibilities which can break ground for the execution of ideas once seen as improbable or even impossible. Some perspectives have been defeated by obstacles accepted as static while these same obstacles have been overcome by a courageous willingness or defiant curiosity to adopt another perspective. These conquering perspectives seemingly take a certain faith in the possibilities and abidance to the requisite diligence, study, and observations; while not holding on to intransigence, but valuing efficacy and continuous assessment. For Mr. McDermott, Bloom is a partnership of minds, spirits, and energies that catalyzes action and potency through its collective perspectives. 

COPYRIGHT 2014 Bloom Industries & Development Strategies, LLC / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED